Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical.
- Health Canada


Les produits de vapotage contiennent de la nicotine.
La nicotine crée une forte dépendance. - Santé Canada



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Queen City Vapes Est. 2014
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A note about age restrictions...

In Canada, presently, there are no regulations surrounding selling vaping gear and eliquid to minors on a federal level. However, there are a few provinces that have implemented laws that treat vapourizers and e-cigarettes like tobacco, and therefore they can not be sold to minors. Saskatchewan is not one of those provinces.

The vaping industry in Canada has been self regulated since day one. Basically, we are following the rules that surround tobacco sales. Any reputable vape shop will not sell to minors (under 18, or under 19, depending on the province).

Online Sales:

Most, if not all stores with an online presence, have implemented age verification in order to view the site. With the limitations of these programs, they can be easily circumvented, either by entering a false date of birth, or by verifying a false date of birth from the visitors Facebook profile. It happens, and will continue to happen.

What is Queen City Vapes doing to prevent minors from obtaining vaping products via online sales? When we ship, the courier or mail carrier or post office will require an adult signature in order for the package to be released. If the recipient can not provide proof of age, the parcel will be returned to us. Have we shipped to minors? Of course we have, but the adult signature required upon delivery has thwarted the underage recipient.

In Store Sales:

Queen City Vapes is an 18+ shop. The sign beside our door clearly states "18+ NO MINORS".

What this means is you need to bring your ID with you. If you look under 25, you will be asked for ID, vape in your hand or not. If you can not provide proof of age, you are not allowed in the store, period. These are the rules.

We've heard every excuse...

"Oh I'm not buying, my friend is..."
"I left my wallet at home..."

Once again, if you can not provide proof that you are 18 years of age or older, you are not allowed in the store.

Regarding leaving your wallet at home...if you're driving, you should have your license with you anyway.

Thanks for your time!

- Mike

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