Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical.
- Health Canada


Les produits de vapotage contiennent de la nicotine.
La nicotine crée une forte dépendance. - Santé Canada


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Queen City Vapes Est. 2014
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Stock Shortage

It's now 2023, and retailers across Canada are required to sell excise stamped eliquid-based products.
You will notice (a lot of you already have) that my store, along with most other stores, are out of stock on some eliquid-based products. Some stores don't even have ANY stock!
This is a result of delays at the federal government level, in getting licences processed, and stamps shipped to licensed manufacturers, which has caused a severe break in the supply chain.
More and more product will be trickling in over the next month. Your patience is greatly appreciated while we all do what we can to bring in excise stamped products as they come available to us.
All that said, I'm not the one to complain to. None of us are. Your complaints should be directed to Liberal finance minister Chrystia Freeland and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau...the folks ultimately responsible for the product shortages, and extorting you for not smoking...er...I mean to protect youth from the dangers of vaping. Yeah, that's it.
Just remember though, you can save a few bucks a month by canceling your Disney+ subscription!

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