Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical.
- Health Canada


Les produits de vapotage contiennent de la nicotine.
La nicotine crée une forte dépendance. - Santé Canada


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Queen City Vapes Est. 2014
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CRC (Child-Resistant Certified) Update

We've been informing customers for a while now, but for those that don't know...all "containers" (open-pods, tanks, etc) are required to be Child-Resistant Certified (CRC) by Jan 1 2021.

As of right now, this DOES affect [what will become] legacy products such as RDA's/RTA's/RDTA's; non-CRC tanks (e.g. OFRF nexMESH, Falcon 2); non-CRC pod systems (e.g. Caliburn & KoKo, SMOK Mico), along with their coils and parts. As of right now, retailers and distributors must deplete their non-compliant stock by Jan 1st.

The Canadian Vaping Association has approached Health Canada to request an extension, due to the current...circumstances...as factories, labs, testing facilities, and schools were closed for a number of months. Production of CRC products for the Canadian market is ramping up, and presently there is a limited number of products available that do meet CRC, but it's not enough.

The industry does not want to be leaving hundreds of thousands of vapers high and dry, and we hope to be granted an extension so that we may continue to sell legacy components as we slowly transition users to current CRC products.

Eliquid bottles, closed-pod systems (e.g. STLTH) and disposables (e.g. Ghost XL, Allo, Tryb) remain unaffected.

With that said, we have been stocking up on CRC products, and have some new hardware in stock!

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