Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical.
- Health Canada


Les produits de vapotage contiennent de la nicotine.
La nicotine crée une forte dépendance. - Santé Canada


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NL Vapour Products Tax & Licensing Requirements

Taking effect Jan 1, 2021 through the passing of Bill 48, the province of Newfoundland has implemented licensing requirements and a 20% tax on vapour products, that applies to all purchases not only within the province, but from outside of the province as well.

All retailers, including those residing outside of the province, are required to have a license to sell vapour products, and must collect and remit the imposed tax.

The licence requirement for non-Newfoundland retailers selling into Newfoundland is specifically stated in section 106.9(3) of Bill 48. The wording of that provision makes it reasonably clear that (A) a business with no establishment in Newfoundland is seen as being legally capable of “offering vapour products for retail sale in” Newfoundland, and (B) the licensing requirement applies to such a business if it sells or offers to sell into Newfoundland.

As a result of this unreasonable and absurd law, we are suspending all sales to the province of NL effective immediately. The amount of confidential (and in our opinion, irrelevant) information NL's government is requesting on the license application in order to collect and remit tax on an already taxed (that's correct: subtotal + 15% HST, with 20% added on top of that) purchase is ludicrous.

We do apologize to our customers in NL for the inconvenience this may cause.

NL's Vapour Product Tax FAQ can be found here.

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